Radio Spectrum Resources

Radio Spectrum ResourcesRadio Spectrum Resources
  1. Along with the rapidly increasing requirement and application of wireless communications , the radio spectrum resources become more and more precious .


  2. In recent years , the available radio spectrum resources becoming increasingly scarce , are unable to meet the growing demand for mobile internet communications .


  3. As wireless technology is widely applied in mobile communications , public safety , and broadcasting , modern society is increasingly dependent on the radio spectrum resources .


  4. In order to resolve the problem of lack of radio spectrum resources and its low usage rate , some people have proposed the idea of cognitive radio .


  5. Nowadays , with the rapid development of the wireless technology application and the increasing demand of the radio spectrum resources , the radio spectrum resources increasingly tense .


  6. First , the radio spectrum resources for the mobile communication system are limited , the issue of how to improve the spectral efficiency has been placed in front of us .


  7. Because of the addition of these new types of services , the data amount of wireless communication network is increasing rapidly , which make the scarce radio spectrum resources tenser .


  8. With the sustained growth of wireless communication services , the confliction of the limited radio spectrum resources and the increased radio spectrum demand hampers the development of wireless communication .


  9. With the rapid development of modern wireless communications business , the contradiction between the limited radio spectrum resources and the requirements for higher speeds and better service quality is growing lager .


  10. In modern information society , a variety of emerging wireless communication technology is widely used . As a result , radio spectrum resources shortage becomes one of the main factors which constraints further development of wireless communications and is causing more concern from people .


  11. Rational usage of limited radio spectrum resources is the focus of attention in order to improve spectrum utilization . System sharing can effectively improve the frequency efficiency , but in order to ensure the operation , it is necessary for two systems to sharing study .


  12. As wireless communications kept developing rapidly for the recent years , demand on radio spectrum resources has dramatically increased , which forced the government to attach as much importance to radio spectrum resources as that to the natural ones such as land , mine and forest .


  13. Multiple Input Multiple Output ( MIMO ) technology , which use antenna arrays rather than additional bandwidth for multiplying data rates , can overcome the problem of short radio spectrum resources well , and has been one of key issues in the next-generation wireless communication systems .


  14. With the current rapid development of communication technology , radio frequency spectrum resources have begun to dry up . This phenomenon has limiting the development of wireless communication technology .


  15. However , the radio frequency spectrum resources are extremely limited , how to further improve the the spectral efficiency under limited frequency spectrum resources is an urgent problem to be solved .


  16. Radio Spectrum is non-renewable natural resources , and its total size is limited , with the rapid development of wireless communication networks , spectrum shortage has become increasingly evident .


  17. Chinese Property Law and the Radio Management Ordinance clearlystipulates : " The radio spectrum resources are owned by the state " .


  18. With the rapid development of radio technology and a large number of radio stations ' operation , the radio spectrum resources become increasingly strained , and the radio spectrum pollution incidents have occurred , which seriously endangered the normal order of the air waves .


  19. The cognitive radio , defined as an intelligent system that is aware of surrounding environment and learns from the environment and adjusts its parameters to share radio spectrum resources with authorization cognitive users , then improving the utilization of spectrum resources .


  20. Cognitive radio is now emerging as a promising paradigm to address the contradiction between the rapid development of wireless communications and the scarcity of available radio spectrum resources , which has attracted extensive attention from academic researchers and become a hot research topic in the wireless communication field .


  21. However , the existing radio spectrum resource management and allocation policy makes the current radio spectrum efficiency at a very low level : most allocated radio spectrum has not been fully utilized , and some hot radio spectrum resources are overloaded .
